PhD students are invited to actively attend interactive classes and complete assignments on our e-platform at:
Note: a Google account is needed in order to connect to the platform
E-platform containing the updated curricula of the course:
Flow cytometry - principles, working technique and applications in biomedical research
The present curricula was developed as a result of the cooperation between the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, University of Iceland, Reykjavik and University of Oslo, in the frame of the project Continuous Flow Interchange of Communication and Knowledge in Biomedical University Research - FLOW.
Its goal is to improve skills and competences among PhD students in the field of flow cytometry, from all four partners, and strengthen institutional cooperation based on common needs, thus facilitating the elaboration of lifelong learning strategies and helping the Universities become continuous education centers.