Activities, objectives, results
The activities carried out in order to achieve the project's goals were as follows:
►Short-term joint staff training events at UI and UO (Training activity C1) that allowed us to achieve Objective 1 (Output 1 - O1): development of a common modern curricula for medical research at the 3rd level of study. The curricula is available on the e-platform and was already implemented by the doctoral school of UASVM in 2023, allowing, from now on, both UASVM and UMPh PhD students to participate every year to the course called "Flow cytometry - principles, working technique and applications in biomedical research";
►Establishment of an research e-platform containing the updated curricula developed within O1, that allowed us to achieve Objective 2 (Output 2 - O2): Modernization and digitalization of the educational offer;
►Organization of 2 joint training seminars at UI and UO respectively (20 UMPh/UASVM students and PhD students at UI and 20 UMPh/UASVM students and PhD students at UO), that allowed us to achieve Objective 3 (Training activity C2): Improving skills and knowledge among 20 PhD students from UMPh, 20 PhD students from UASVM, in the standardization of protocols concerning maintenance and daily use of flow cytometers;
► Establishment of a videoconference based research consulting council at UMPh for PhD level, available to advice and train 20 UMPh/UASVM PhD students in terms of research conduct for their study and also to strengthen the long term institutional cooperation, that allowed us to achieve Objective 4 (Training activity C3): Completion of translational learning with virtual activities;
►Elaboration of 4 joint scientific articles (2 articles initially proposed), published in international journals during project implementation and organization of 1 multiplier event (M1) with international participation (60 participants) at the end of the project, that allowed us to achieve Objective 5 (Output 3 - O3): Consolidation of the international cooperation between partners through joint scientific research in the field of flow cytometry as well as project promotion.
Results obtained after carrying out the project's activities:
- 2 short-term joint staff training events at UI and UO respectively for modernization of curricula (16 staff members in total – 8 from UMPh and 8 from UASVM);
- 1 common modern curricula for medical research developed by the trained staff;
- 40 short term mobility of UMPh and UASVM students and PhD students for transnational learning of 5 days at UI and UO;
- 1 educational research e-platform (available also after project implementation)
- 1 videoconference based common research consulting council at UMPh and UASVM;
- 1 short-term joint staff training event at UMPh (1 staff member from UI);
- 4 scientific articles in internationally recognized scientific journals realized in common between the four partners;
- 1 multiplier event with 60 national and international participants from the health sector, for project promotion and data dissemination;
All these activities allowed an adequate training of UMPh and UASVM staff and PhD students, opened a long-lasting collaboration between the four partners and most importantly allowed the development of a modern curricula and an online e-platform that will lead to adequate future training of doctoral students in the field of flow cytometry. The project offered the opportunity to standardize and harmonize the flow cytometry workflow in the Romanian laboratories with the Icelandic and Norwegian ones and to create a network of specialists that will collaborate and share their knowledge and experience beyond the time frame of the current project.