The present project addresses a common issue of the Romanian
national research system, represented by the need to improve the scientific
knowledge of the PhD sector through international collaboration with more
advanced Universities in terms of their educational offer. Flow cytometry has
wide applications in human and veterinary medicine while representing a
powerful research tool as well as a very reliable method of diagnosis and
assessment of therapy monitoring in immunology and hematology. It is a
technique that is widely applied in biomedical research worldwide, but very
little employed by Romanian researchers due to lack of adequate knowledge and
experience, as well as well-established standard operation procedures (SOPs).
The Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
(UMPh) as well as the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary
Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (UASVM) both posses well equipped laboratories,
that include modern flow cytometers, but there was a great need of experienced
specialists as well as young PhD students to deepen their knowledge in the
field of flow cytometry, by collaborating with foreign laboratories, that
already function according to well-established SOP's and have a great degree of
expertise and confidence. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland (UI) and
University of Oslo, Norway (UO) fulfilled the above-mentioned criteria as they
have specialists with an internationally recognized experience in flow
cytometry. Thus, the current project aimed to establish a long term
collaboration for good practices exchange between the two Romanian universities
and the Icelandic an well as Norwegian partners, within the biomedical research
and education sector at the 3rd level of studies, and to innovate the curricula
of PhD studies. It also aimed to increase the level of knowledge among teaching
staff and PhD students and to integrate the international workforce for all
four partners, by performing joint research.